Multicultural worker in Espoon tuomiokirkkoseurakunta
Many people from different cultures have moved to Espoo. The Lutheran Church in Finland and Espoon tuomiokirkkoseurakunta also work for them. We want to take account of their needs, provide opportunities to get to know the local culture and society and promote the use of a common language. The church already supports the gathering of many ethnic groups, but we want to help everyone in the country find their place in the Church and society.
Espoon tuomiokirkkoseurakunta is looking for an employee who wants to help people from different cultures find their way to a parish. Employee must be able to look at the church in a customer-oriented way, know the activities of the church and consult the parish in questions concerning different cultures.
The person to be elected must be a confirmed member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. The job requires suitable ecclesiastical education, sufficient social media skills and sufficient language skills (moderate Finnish and good English skills) to enable working together. The job is part of the parish's international team and the multicultural arena of Espoo Lutheran parishes. Lutheran parishes in Espoo have comprehensive occupational health care, lunch benefit, exercise and culture benefits.
The job is fixed-term 10.2.2025-9.2.2026. The job will follow the terms of spiritual worker, if the applicant has a required ecclesiastical education. In that case the salary is according group 503 (2 885,11 €/kk ). In other cases the salary group is 502 (2743,31 €/kk ) and will follow the general terms of working time. The job has a probationary period of six months. When the work starts the applicant must present a certificate of state of health issued by the occupational health care of Espoo Lutheran parishes. The interviews will be held on 28.1.2025. For inquiries, please contact Laura Hatakka ( tel. 0405847516) or Marja Malvaranta ( tel. 0405311040). Applications must be filled in electronically in the KirkkoRekry system by 24.1.2025 at 12 noon.
- Espoon seurakuntayhtymä, Espoon tuomiokirkkoseurakunta
- JobsFixed-termContractual employmentNon-working hours
- 3109
- 10.2.2025
- 503 (2 885,11 €/kk) or 502 (2743,33 €/kk)
- Contract Sector: KirVESTES
- 2.1.2025 11:39 - 24.1.2025 12:00
- ParishUusimaaEspooMission and international workInternational work
Laura Hatakka ( tel. 0405847516) or Marja Malvaranta ( tel. 0405311040).
Kirkkokatu 10
02770 Espoo
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Key: 2969
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Key: 2970
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Key: 2971
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Key: 3109
Espoon tuomiokirkkoseurakunta
Key: 3109